I tried going to Armadyl at first, and RuneScape gold I got only 2 kills before I ended up dying. Every single hit kept splashing. When I was at Waterfiends for their Triple Charms, and I am able to get 325 crimes whereas Leaf had 800plus in the same amount of time. Although he does have a Steel titan along with ascensions however, is he still twice as many kills I have gotten?
I visited"the Queen" Black Dragon, and I cannot get any kills anymore. I'm at the beginning of the third phase if I'm lucky. I played The Black Dragon King Black Dragon, and I did not get more than 2 kills per dose Super Antifire. Another example is Frost Dragons - I used to be able blast them with dragon bane bolts the legacy. I understand legacy's been nerfed, but I never see an attack that is higher than 400. Also, with KBD I've been able to hit 800s in a slayer game however, I'm unable to ever even scratch it.
I've got a new laptop, however, it's functioning much more flawlessly than my old one, and that should not be the reason. So please, give me any suggestions on which one I should get or share your ability bars, or any other advice. What has changed that I'm not aware of?
Is there a way for you to access lower level versions of buy RS gold prayers once you level your prayer level enough to gain access to the next level? As you've probably heard, the Enlightenment aura is now available, and it's possible that it will be a permanent alternative to bonus XP weekends.